To say that I opposed measures 66 and 67 would be an understatement. Today (Jan. 26) was the day of this vote. To let those who don't know what these ballot measures do, I'll give a very brief summary.
Measures 66 and 67 would increase taxes. One would increase the corporate minimum tax and the other would increase income taxes on those making over $125,000 for single filers and $250,000 for couples.
One of the facts that are conveniently left out is that many small businesses file their taxes as income taxes. Oh and this increase in income taxes would be on receipts not profit. These ballot measures came about in an effort to stop the dumb asses in Salem from imposing these taxes on us just for the hell of it. They claim it's to help balance the budget to fund schools, public safety, and other "essential" services. Instead of trying to turn the State of Oregon into the Michigan of the west by raising taxes, how about if the jackasses in Salem live spend the money that is taken from us instead of stealing more of our money.
As an individual household, I have to be able to survive with what my wife and I make at our jobs. If I need more money, I can't go to my neighbor and take money from him just because I can't live within my budget. Why in the blue fucking hell can't the stupid shits that claim to run the State and the Nation do the same? The reason is because they can always count on the lazy bastards that refuse to get off their asses and make something of themselves and instead expect the government to wipe their asses for them. After all, they can't be troubled to be productive in society.
Ayn Rand wrote a book called "Atlas Shrugged" in the 1950's. Lately that book has been flying off the shelves at book stores and libraries. Do you know why? Maybe you should read it. Or if you're too lazy or stupid to do that, you can listen to it as an audio book.
Who is John Galt?
It is long past time that those who have the ability stand up and yell "STOP!" If those who are constantly demonized by the government and the non-contributors where to stop producing, what would you do? Who would provide for you? Get off your ass and do something productive.
Who is John Galt?
Do you not want to be successful? Obviously you don't or you wouldn't live like you do and then expect those who have what you want to give you what they earned. You dumb asses in Salem and Washington, D.C. are nothing but looters. You do nothing for the money you steal from the productive and then demonize us for working, earning and being successful. Then when you need more money, you try to bleed us even more.
Who is John Galt?
Their is a movement in this nation that is taking hold. It isn't moving fast but it is moving nonetheless. What is this movement? Going Galt. You hear whispers of liberty and freedom. Less government intrusion and more free markets. Those all sound good, but do you really want to live without a government safety net? Do you know what that entails? Have you given it any thought? Just think about it. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, food stamps, WIC, welfare, public housing, and government subsidized housing. Can you live without these as backup plans? This is why measures 66 an 67 passed.
I'm not giving a pass to Republicans either. The establishment Republicans have sold out what they claimed were their principles for 30 pieces of silver. They were willing to jettison their beliefs for increased power or to retain their power. What good is it if you are no better than the Democrats? We may not go down the road to socialism as fast as the Dems but many Republicans are still going down that road. If the people are given the choice of Democrat and Democrat-lite they're going to go for the real thing.
Why do you think Gordon Smith lost his bid for re-election in 2008? It wasn't because people wanted that socialist dip shit Merkley. Look at the results for the election. If I remember right, Merkley won by less than 10,000 votes. The third party candidate who ran on the Constitution Party ticket received almost 80,000 votes. I was one of those who voted third party. Why? Because their wasn't a lot of difference between Smith and Merkley. I may be registered as a Republican, but that is only so I can vote in the primaries. I do not owe my vote to you just because you are a Republican and I will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils. I will not vote for a RINO just as I won't vote for a lib or a socialist.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
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